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DACLD Phase 3


This project aims to provide the CLD sector, Education Scotland and the Scottish Government with a comprehensive picture of new technologies in current practice, skills in the sector and the current barriers faced.


The project’s key outcome was as follows:


Key Outcome: Young people, adults and communities are better able to access and use new technologies and social media as part of their individual learning journey and for social action, through the improved knowledge, confidence and competence of CLD practitioners.

The DACLD project is now into its third phase and over the last two years we have had consistent request from practitioners and managers for national standards to inform and enable the sector to make best use of new technologies and social media consistent with the CLD approach, and for the benefit of the young people, adults and communities we work with.


This phase will consist of 3 parts:


  • The development and maintenance of as a central platform for information, guidance and engagement of CLD practitioners in new technologies, connecting to i-develop and GLOW.

  • Refreshed website connecting to Glow and ‘i-develop’ providing practical information, guidance and engagement and networking opportunities for practitioners and communities.

  • The creation of new Action Learning Sets to extend the opportunity for hands-on engagement with new technologies, active learning, and joint practice sharing.

  • Learning and development opportunities for practitioners and communities through action learning action learning sets available.

  • Digital Futures Group

  • We propose to establish a Digital Futures Group to oversee the development of Phase 3 of DACLD. This will build on the successful National Stakeholders Conference with input from the Cabinet Secretary Mike Russell, who endorsed the Digitally Agile approach and pledges committed by senior managers.

If you are interested in taking part in any of the DACLD opportunities please email your Name, Position, Organisation and Postcode to

Liz @ YouthLink Scotland

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