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DACLD Phase 2


DACLD 1 provided the CLD sector, Education Scotland and the Scottish Government with a comprehensive picture of ‘new technologies’ and ‘Social Media’ used in current practice, skills in the sector and barriers faced by managers, workers, volunteers and organisations in making the most of this developing media. The partners collaborated to produce a skills audit, literature review, 3 regional seminars and 8 case studies.


The DACLD project received wholly positive feedback from participants at the seminar events and the findings of the research were scrutinised and validated by an external Reference Group (membership of the group and the full recommendations are available from the Digitally Agile CLD Report 2012 – uploaded to LEAP). The reference group worked with the project partners to make a number of key recommendations for the sector.


The project partners were invited by Education Scotland to draw up a proposal for further work in this area, based on some of the project’s recommendations. A number of meetings with staff from Education Scotland took place to shape this proposal as part of further up-skilling in CLD. The strategic guidance for CLD was published during these discussions, and featured in deliberations.


DACLD 2 extended the up-skilling opportunity and platform to share new technologies practice to 200 delegates across Scotland’s Community Learning and Development sector including local authorities, voluntary organisations and interested individuals through one national stakeholders event, three regional learning seminars and three action learning sets. The events introduced participants to the findings of the Digitally Agile CLD project and provided a unique networking opportunity for participants to share their new technologies knowledge and practices. The events also had input from individuals who are leading the way regarding the application of technologies within the CLD sector and input from experts from public and private enterprises.

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