We will utilise digital technology and social media to enhance the involvement of individuals, groups and communities in the development of our services and activities.
We will make use of digital technology and social media as tools to facilitate the increased participation of communities in the design of our services or provision.
We will encourage the use of digital technology and social media as an opportunity for communities to develop a stronger voice.
We will work with individuals, groups and communities to ensure that wherever possible digital programmes and investment build on existing community assets.
Young Scot are the national youth information and citizenship charity. Their co-design service involves young people systematically co-creating, co-producing, co-designing and co-delivering solutions. Young people are involved much earlier in decision making process through a highly participative approach, developing informed insights, ideas, recommendations and solutions for policy and practice.
Media Trust believe in the power of media to change lives, and work with the media industry to empower charities and communities to have a voice and be heard. This page outlines some of the projects carried out to helping communities have a voice.
This handbook is for anyone who has an interest in using digital media literacy skills for storytelling. It contains themes and examples of work created during the project, and suggested exercises to help develop digital storytelling skills which can be used for any context. The handbook is structured around exploring a theme, then ideas for using blogging, audio, social media and video for digital storytelling.
CHEX supports community development approaches to health improvement, providing
support to a network of community-led health organisations and their public sector partners who are tackling health inequalities in communities across Scotland. This guide aims to get stakeholders started with social media.
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